Funded National Undergraduate Training Programs

Street light control system based on power line carrier and multi-sensor fusion technology.

All these three programs were fully funded by the national funding with 20,000 RMB, and won the excellent conclusion (<20%). Each program involves 5 undergraduate students as team members and 1 professor as the supervisor.

  • Application of Rehabilitation Training Based on Kinect (Team leader)

    • May 2015 - May 2016
    • ID: 201510699024
    • Planed to integrate virtual reality technology and medical technology rationally for human health monitoring and rehabilitation training with machine learning algorithm.
    • Worked as team leader, provided project’s idea and supervised team activities.
    • Designed the motion control system and its subsidiary circuit, and participated in information collection and program debugging.
  • Street Light Control System Based on Power Line Carrier and Multi-sensor Fusion Technology

    • May 2015 - May 2016
    • ID: 201510699295
    • Utilized a variety of sensors and off-line database to integrate street lighting system intelligently and decrease energy consumption with power line carrier communication.
    • Provided project’s idea and undertook all electronic circuit design, communication protocol development and embedded systems programming.
  • Wearable Frogman Swimming Aid

    • Oct 2014 - May 2015
    • ID: 201410699012
    • Developed a portable and wearable swimming aid that could be worn on arms to free hands while swimming.
    • Optimized the control system and completed embedded programs.
      Wearable Frogman Swimming Aid
      Wearable Frogman Swimming Aid.
Bo Sun
Bo Sun
PhD Candidate

My research interests include reinforcement learning, intelligent control and aerospace systems.
